Day 252- Stay-At-Home Day at Our Palace
Saturday, March 16, 2019. Last night I was overwhelmed by the streets of India. I tend to get very emotionally involved with poor people and their needs. I confess, I cried last night because I just wanted to help all these people but at the same time, I'm so ready to leave this country. When I get like this, I know I need a stay home day, so I had one. Gregory left the house after lunch and to his Rotary meeting. I thought I was going to have a lot of time to read and just relax, but somehow time flew while I was catching up on little things. Sunshine and I took advantage that we had time to wash each other hair. We used a pitcher and a bucket since we don't have a shower. So yes, just like medieval times we have been taking showers in our palace that actually has a bathroom! Sunshine liked it, as for me, well, since we had the time it was okay, but I told her to imagine having to do this every week plus other chores? NO thanks. I'm glad I live where I live! Gregor...