Day 89 - Zadar

Friday, September 28, 2018. We got up late today, it really feels like a vacation. The kids did some homework, which was a bit of a struggle because we don't have a good internet connection. We left the house after a late lunch. The day was gorgeous, sunny and warm! We took the kids to the old town. Gregory was on a mission to find the Andy Warhol exhibition because it was the last day it was being shown. When we got to town, we asked different locals for directions and everyone sent us a different way. Of course, Gregory found it. Only Sunshine and Gregory went in. Daniel and I went for ice cream and took a nice walk by the Adriatic Sea. It is moments like this that I realized that it really doesn't matter where you are, it's the quality time that we give our children that matters. And of course, I knew this, but it is hard to do when you get caught up with the speedy working life in the U.S. When I think about home, all I can think of is me always rushing somewhere, al...