Day 86 - Modena

Tuesday September 25th, 2018.

We got up late, around 10:00. We had breakfast with Eva and Xe. We stayed home all morning, mostly waiting for Sunshine to do her English homework. That was OK because we don’t really have much to see in Modena. I couldn’t catch up on my blog because now Sunshine is using my computer. I looked at the bookshelf and found several good books in Spanish. Pedro, Eva’s husband, is from Chile and loves to read. I guess you can really tell who likes to read when you go to their homes. I found a book that I enjoyed back in college from Julio Cortazar, Historias de cronopios y de famas. We read all morning.

Around 1:00pm, we left the house with Eva and Xe and took a nice walk in a park. We saw the Palazzo Santa Margherita. We also saw the Pavarotti theater and then the Palazzo Ducale. There is a water mirror in front of it in a large, empty piazza that used to be a big parking lot.
We walked through the streets of the old town. Xe took us to a cute restaurant off the Piazza Grande to have a Modenese specialty, piadina sandwiches, that we enjoyed sitting outside.

After lunch, we walked back to the main square, Piazza Grande, where we split up. Gregory and Daniel went to check the Ferrari museum, Eva went to pick up her grandson and Xe, Sunshine and I went for a coffee. We walked more around downtown Modena and then we all met at the house around 6:00pm. We had a simple, small dinner and went to bed early for a change.

Il giardino ducale

Pavilion (exhibit was closed because it was Monday)

Autumn coming!

Palazzo Ducale

Cathedral San Giminiano

Gregory talking to Pedro, Eva's husband.

With Eva and Xe in the main piazza after lunch.

Detail inside the cathedral

Inside the cathedral

Xe in front of the cathedral

People used to give announcement and leave unidentified corpses on this stone!


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