Day 358 - Beauty salon experience -Daniel gets a haircut

Sunday, June 30th, 2019.

Oops, we woke up at 8:40am, breakfast is served until 9:00am but like Gregory pointed out, they normally leave it until 10:00am so he never rushes. We don’t touch the Philippino food because it is mostly meat. The kids only have cereal and fruit. We have never been excited about the food since we got to the Philippines but it is nice when breakfast is included and we don’t have to go out looking for food.

In the morning, Gregory did some work, I caught up on the blog and the kids stayed in their room. I can’t believe that I had to force myself to go swimming but it is my only exercise and I have been feeling very lazy about it, so I did it. Once I’m in the water, I feel like a mermaid or a siren which is the same word in Tagalog and Spanish.

At night we asked our driver to take us to Giligan's for dinner. It was just ok, Daniel was the only one who enjoyed his boneless chicken teriyaki. Have I mentioned that they served most of the meat with bones in the Philippines? It is very annoying and of course, no one in my family likes it!

Our driver waited for us even if we told him that we had errands to do on foot. After dinner, the driver took Gregory to a massage place, while the kids and I walked to the hair salon. Daniel didn’t want to get his haircut but I told him that I wasn’t going to spend $20 back home when I could pay $ 2 in the Philippines. We went to two salons and they were closed. Daniel was thrilled. Sunshine wanted her mani/pedicure and wax did, so we went back to a nice beauty salon that we had been before. Gregory arrived there and said that the massage place RJ took him wasn’t that clean. He was happy to find out that this salon also offered massages.

We all got a treat, except Daniel. (Daniel's note: And guess what? It had fast internet and my phone died before I could use it.) I only got a manicure because my toenails are falling off and they look awful so why bother! The total of the bill came to $20 and it included: 1-hour massage, 2 manicures, 1 pedicure, underarm waxing. I wish we had these prices back home! The experience was very pleasant mostly because the place was clean, had calming music and they took us in right away without an appointment. Sunshine did say that it hurt but her skin was ok. She was disappointed that they didn’t have a white color for her fingernails but she found another nice light color. Me, just happy to be pampered but I was getting anxious not doing anything. Have I mentioned that I do not like beauty salons? I feel like is a waste of time, unless you bring a nice book to read but normally I feel like is a waste of my precious time!

When our driver came to pick us up and I told him that we couldn’t get a haircut for Daniel, he drove us to a barbershop. Not exactly what I had in mind for Daniel. It was a little bit rustic and I was just wondering if the scissors where clean and if the combs didn’t have fleas, but I kept it to myself because Gregorio would have said that I always think the worse but you can be the judge by looking at the pictures! The price of the haircut with tip a $ 1.20.

When we said goodbye to our driver, he was so nice and said that we were a nice and generous family. We gave him a bag of clothes, in the past, we had given him a pound of rice and tipped him extra! Just little things really make a difference in a person lives. We told him that maybe we would be back and contact him but honestly, I didn’t think so. We went to bed happy knowing that we finally leave tomorrow to Manila. 

For pictures please click here


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