Day 357 - Sunshine Goes to the Hospital - Butterfly Sanctuary - Dinner at Kalui

Saturday June 29, 2019

Today we took Sunshine to the hospital because I was really worried about her legs. She never complained but I saw her scratching nonstop. When I saw all the bites that she had on her legs and one that looked like a little dot in the middle, I worried. I read last night on the internet that female sand flies lay their eggs under the skin and they hatch 3 weeks later. I also read that when that happens, the flies normally die but I did read 4 severe cases in Colombia. Of course, the circumstances were extremely different [Gregory's note: different insect, different continent, different diet, etc. Gotta love the Internet] but I was still worried and I needed professional reassurance. I had suffered a lot from bites in Port Barton and I was miserable. I actually spent one day taking cold showers and staying in the room because the heat activated the itchiness.

We took her to the Adventist Hospital which was more expensive but recommended by and for foreigners. We were directed to the emergency entrance because it was Saturday and there were no doctors in the main hospital. I was happily surprised to see that the place was clean and that we didn’t have to wait long. I filled out a one-page form and then they told us to wait. In no time, a nurse was taking her temperature, blood pressure and weight. We were surprised to hear that she had lost 7 pounds over the year! Moments later, a very friendly doctor came. She asked Sunshine some questions and prescribed calamine lotion for the itch. Nothing new, I had already given her Benadryl and cortisone for the itch as well as aloe vera. But I told her my concern and she just laughed and said that I was overthinking it. She also said to stop reading so much on the Internet!

I was surprised that she didn’t even take a close look at Sunshine’s legs. She assured me that she was ok. Sunshine and Gregory looked at each other and said, we knew it! I do scare myself every time I do research on the internet. It is not the first time that a doctor tells me not to believe everything I read online. [Gregory's note: and yet...]

Anyway, half an hour later, we were sent to another door to pay and that’s where the line was long and slow. When our turn finally came, I realized why it was so slow. The poor lady had to do all the work by hand. She was using carbon paper to make a copy of the receipt for the patients. She had to fill out the invoice by hand, using information from the computer. We paid 900 pesos and 100 pesos for the ointment. Which is less than $20! We didn’t buy the antihistamine because we have Benadryl!

They gave me two different colored 
receipts that I needed to turn in to the nurse and to the guard at the entrance. I guess this way no one leaves without paying. I felt much better.

From there, we took a trike to the butterfly sanctuary. It was a cute place where you could see different insects and animals, not only butterflies which were flying everywhere. We also learned about the Palawan tribe that lives in the mountains. I like the sign that said, it is not a show, we like to share our culture. They didn’t dance for us because they only dance for sacred purposes. They just showed us how they played some of their musical instruments and how they use their weapons including a blowdart and a spear. At the end, we approached some members of the tribe and tried to talk with them.

We learned that they can stay in this place when they come to the city to buy things. Their huts were made of palms and bamboo. They consisted of only one room. We gave them a small donation. The entrance tickets also contributes to helping these tribes.

We saw bearcats (yes, they are actually a thing), a crocodile, boar, turtles, scorpions, centipedes, and much more. Cute place to visit if you don’t have anything else to do in Puerto Princesa. Our driver keeps offering to take us on a city tour but we just don’t feel like doing anything else. In fact, Daniel missed the butterfly sanctuary because he didn’t want to come! When we finished visiting the place, we texted our driver to pick us up. While we waited, we bought coconuts for a dollar at a small store outside the butterfly sanctuary. We also met a cute, toothless old man at his shop next door. We bought pineapples and nuts there.

We snacked in our rooms and I took a nice nap. At night, we went to Kalui, a beautiful restaurant that got many good reviews. The place was beautifully decorated and the food was really good and not too expensive. Actually, Gregory and I loved it. Daniel and Sunshine not so much but Sunshine was able to find a vegetarian dish. She has seriously committed to being vegetarian!

We enjoyed ourselves very much and then we crossed the street to see a collection of small art and souvenir stores. I got my traditional hand-carved wooden dish for my collection. It started to rain while we waited for our driver.

We waited for half an hour and then Gregory decided to take another trike. I felt bad and just as we were leaving, we saw our driver pull up. We paid this driver 10 pesos and took RJ's trike. Poor RJ had a flat tire and that’s why he was late and wet! We made it back to our hotel around 10:00pm. I spent some time in the kid's room because their TV works, but I didn’t finish watching the movie.

For pictures please click here


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