Day 348 - Island Hopping Tour in Port Barton

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Today was an amazing day and probably one of the highlights for me! We bought a tour to visit different islands. The boat was waiting for us at 9:00am. We had to show our eco cards that we bought at the bus station and the coast guard actually checked them. Our boat had 8 other passengers.

I honestly do not remember the names of the islands but I have never seen so much beauty and life in one place. I first got very excited with the first stop at a reef in the bay. We jump out of the boat with a mask and snorkel and when I saw all those corals and so many colorful fish, I just couldn’t believe that it was real. I was thrilled to see so much sealife and soon I immersed myself in another world. I completely lost track of time and space, to the point that Gregory had to come and get me to tell me that it was time to go.

We had lunch on the second island. It was almost 11:00am and I thought it was too early but it took them a while to cook our lunch. Meanwhile, Sunshine and I went to explore the deserted and beautiful beach. Sunshine was thrilled to finally find a beach with clear water and white sand. We took some pictures and then it was time to eat. We had a delicious lunch made by the guy who sold us the tour. He made a Filipino lunch of white rice, fresh grilled fish (barracuda), grilled chicken, vegetable salad, cucumber salad, eggplant, mango, pineapple and banana for dessert. It was actually quite good, compare to all the food we have had here.

The third island was to see more coral and fish. I think we were getting tired by then but we still hadn’t seen any turtles. The guy who sold us the tour had told me that if we didn’t see any turtles, he would refund us our money. Of course he was joking, but we had read that there were definitely sea turtles here and we were hoping to see them. The time finally came to visit the turtle area but the weather turned cloudy and I thought it was going to rain. It did rain but it didn’t matter because we were able to see two big sea turtles. We swam after the first one in the deep sea, where the water was very dark and everyone from the boat was a little nervous about sharks. The second turtle we saw was in clear water. The kids saw a sand shark on the bottom. I’m glad I didn’t see it because I would have panicked.

I was content with all that we had seen and I was tired but we still made another two stops. One to see more gigantic and colorful coral reefs and another to the Starfish Island. That was just a sandbank, with shallow and transparent water where you could see many huge sea stars. There was orange with brown, amazing.

We returned to Port Barton around 4:00 and by then, we were friends with everyone on the boat. A group  of 6 from Spain went for a drink at a beachfront bar. Gregory and I went to take a shower, then we caught up with them. At first, I thought they were going to be gone but they were Spaniards and they like to go on and on. I’m glad we went because we had a really good time chatting with all of them. I only remember a few names, which I will write so I can remember later. There were Daniel and his girlfriend, Sergio and his partner, Carlotta, and Deborah.

Around 7:00 pm the kids came to find us because they were hungry. We said our goodbyes, exchanges emails and then we left. When we were climbing the stairs from the sand, I hit my toe and my toenail pulled up all and started to bleed. It hurt really bad. We had to go to our room and wash the toe and put a bandage!

We finally made it to the restaurant where we waited for one hour for our food. When we finished dinner, we saw the Spanish group arriving at the same restaurant. We waved goodbye again and then we walked back to our hotel. I got ready for bed and fell asleep 
almost immediately. We were all super tired!

For pictures please click here


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