Day 340 - Flight from Manila to Puerto Princesa, Palawan

Wednesday, June 12th, 2019

What a day! We had to wake up at 5:30am to be at the airport by 6:00am, which was 2 hours before our flight but they warned us that the Manila airport is notoriously slow and crowded. We chose a hotel close to the airport for convenience. Well, I felt like the airplanes were going to fall on top of me every time they took off. I had a terrible night but was ready to go rest in Palawan. When we arrived at the airport, we were happy to be there early. At 6am, there were big lines just to get in the door!

It took us about an hour to get in and go through the first security screening. We didn’t have to check in luggage so we were able to move faster. Gregory and the kids went to see if they could sit in the lounge while I waited at the boarding gate. I didn’t want to pay for an extra person when we only had less than an hour, and the gate was packed and people were sitting on the floor. It turned out the lounge was only for international flights.

The Philippines reminded me of Mexico: total lack of organization and order. They switched the gate at the last minute and then when we went to the new gate, there were two doors with the same number. I stood in line for a while, until one man told that the line for Puerto Princesa was the other one. I finally moved to the right line where I found Gregory and the kids. The flight was an hour long, it wasn’t bad but Cebu Pacific doesn't serve any kind of food or even water. Luckily we had bought food the night before and the hotel gave us two boiled eggs (I ordered four but the staff made fried eggs with rice that we couldn’t pack). I slept most of the way and read (a luxury without interruptions).

When we arrived, we were welcomed by some locals performing a traditional dance outside the airport. Gregory negotiated with the vans and taxi drivers. There is no Grab here! We arrived at our small hotel at 10:00am and the manager told us that check-in was at 2:00pm! I really don’t like when we arrive tired and you have to wait for the room, plus it was really hot and the hotel didn’t have much space where we could rest. We sat by the pool waiting for the room. We also only rented one room this time because we knew it was just going to be like a base while we found another place to stay!

Sunshine and I went looking for a beach. I had read that it was nearby but when we got there, we found a bay walk. It was pretty, but we sure couldn't swim here. I was disappointed but Sunshine said that she knew. She said that people only come to Puerto Princesa as a jumping off point to EL Nido or Coron! We walked to see a huge cruise ship and by the time we were there, we were melting. It was the perfect day to be at the beach or pool. We walked back to the hotel, stopping to buy an overpriced coconut. Luckily, the room was ready when we got back, and Gregory and Daniel already had the AC on!

We chose to stay inside because even if the hotel had a tiny pool, the sun was super strong. After resting and napping, we went out to look for food. Everything was closed and we remembered that it was Independence Day. We only found 3 restaurants open. Two of them were local shacks which serve local food. All the menus were in Tagalog and most of the dishes were meat. Only Gregory was happy. [Gregory's note: not really. The meat was pork belly, head meat, and something unidentifiable.] We settled for a small restaurant that had hot dogs and hamburgers. We had that for dinner last night but we didn’t have many choices. Sunshine was upset because she is been very good about eating healthy and no bread!

After lunch we went back to the hotel were Gregory searched for hotels. He found 3, so he and I hired a trike [Gregory's note: not the pedal kind! A tricycle is a motorcycle with a sidecar, bot are covered and have seating for 4 plus luggage.] and went to check them out. We liked the last one, which was further away but hey, if the rides to downtown are a little more than a dollar, who cares?! The hotel is called Ponce de Leon and is the kind of hotel that wants to look fancy but is more of a wannabe. It has its posters and murals that make it look informal, cozy, and sometimes tacky but overall, the place is nice. I fell in love with the two huge acacia trees that cover most of the the open space. We were happy to book there!

At night, Sunshine and I walked a little bit looking for healthy food but everything was closed. [Gregory's note: even when everything is open, there is no healthy food here!] Luckily the hotel sold noodle soup and that’s what we had for dinner, except Sunshine who had a banana that they gave me for free. We went to bed happy that we found a nice place to relax.

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