Day 336 - Ao Nang - Rainy Day

Saturday, June 8th, 2019

Today we woke up to rain. We ran to the dining room where we enjoyed our breakfast while we hearing the raindrops pelt the metal roof. 

It rained the whole day, and hard. It was fine, because we all got to do what we wanted: Gregory writing, Daniel playing online games, Sunshine watching Netflix and me, reading.

In the afternoon, Sunshine and I went shopping. Later, Gregory and I watched a movie while it continued to rain. At night, when it finally stopped, Gregory, Sunshine and I walked to the night market, which was very small. It had a few food and souvenir stands. Not many people were there, probably because of all the rain. We bought chicken shwarma from a stand for dinner and Sunshine had her coconut. Street food is really good and cheap in Ao Nang, I recommend it more than the restaurants.

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