Day 330 - Flight from Chiang Mai to Bangkok - Date Night on Khao San Road

Sunday, June 2nd, 2019

Today we got up early. Our taxi driver came to pick us up at 7:00am. It was tough to get up early after getting up late for so long. We made it to the airport and everything went fast and smooth. Our 8:30am flight was on time and in about an hour we were in Bangkok. I have noticed that I don’t get as stressed as I used to and now I know that we will figure out what’s next when the time comes. I guess what I’m trying to say is that as much as I like to plan in advance, things can go different ways and you just have to wait and see.

When we got to the airport, Gregory checked different ways to get to our hotel, including the Skytrain, but since there are 4 of us, it was cheaper to use Grab. Traffic wasn’t as bad as it normally is. We arrived at Smart Suites hotel and it felt good to be back. I was looking forward to seeing the receptionist who had become our friend. She wasn’t there but she told her friend to reserve two deluxe rooms for the regular price.

Our rooms were not ready when we got there so we left our backpacks and went out for lunch. Gregory really wanted street food so we walked in a different direction from the main street. It was really hot. We walked to a slum by the river. After a while, we found a few street vendors who had noodle soup. Fortunately, there were no seats and no one wanted soup. We turned onto a Muslim street where most of the restaurants were closed. Gregory pointed out that it was Ramadan. We walked into an alley to check the restaurants and while we were looking at the menu, the kids spotted 3 big rats on the street. Gregory saw them too and said he was glad I didn’t see them. But I did see many cockroaches coming out of the gutter. Disgusting! [Gregory's note: compare and contrast her "I love nature" quote on the next blog.]

Everything was overpriced in the restaurants and we just wanted a simple dish of Pad Thai. Daniel suggested a nice diner near our hotel but we were far away and we were all very hungry. We ended up eating shwarma in a place we had eaten before. We also had to go to the 7-Eleven for more snacks and drinks.

In the afternoon we rested and waited for the sun to go down. Around 7:00 pm we had a dentist appointment for Sunshine. We were hoping that it was nothing but it was another cavity. How? I don’t know, she is been brushing her teeth 4 times a day and flossing. Maybe the retainer? She was very upset, poor thing. We walked her back to the hotel and Gregory and I took a taxi to KhaoSan Road, a famous street full of hostels, bars, restaurants and more.

We got out on Rambuttri Alley, which was really nice and alive. Just walking a few steps, we could smell delicious aromas. We stopped in the first corner stand for a big dish of Pad Thai! After that, we ventured down the street full of stores with crafts and souvenirs, clothing, henna stands, tattoos, massages, restaurants with live music, bars selling laughing gas, vendors selling dry scorpions to eat and of course, other vendors selling fruit, coconut ice-cream, snacks, and much more.

We were so happy we went because it was a lot of fun but we still needed to see Khao San. It was just around the corner. Khao San was busier and much louder. I’m happy we had our drink on Rambuttri where things were mellow. Here the bars were playing techno music into the street at full voume. This is when I can tell that I’m getting old! We walked through the street, observing, smelling, filming and taking it all in. Many tourists, mostly college-age, were drinking, dancing and having fun. When we made it to the other side of the street, I told Gregory that I needed to go back to get my glass of fruit for breakfast tomorrow and he said, "I’m not going back through that street.”

We waited for a while for Grab to come. It can be annoying because they said they have arrived when they haven't, plus if you add the fact that they speak very little English, it is hard to communicate with them by text. We made it back to our hotel at midnight.

For pictures please click here

For pictures of Khao San Road please click here


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