Day 319 - Minivan from Vang Vieng to Luang Prabang, Laos

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2019

This morning our driver arrived by the time we were finishing breakfast. Gregory and Daniel had gone up to brush their teeth but Sunshine and I jumped because we were not ready. He told us to calm down that he was only checking where the hotel was. I was relieved because Gregory hadn’t paid the bill yet. You can imagine my anxiety because I grew up with a father who paid the night before so he didn’t have to worry the same day of the checkout.

My kids often say that Gregory is the Mexican who likes to leave everything for the last minute. I also wanted him to ask the lady at the front desk to have the bill ready in the morning and like always, he calmly said: it only takes a minute. Well, I’m glad we had those extra twenty minutes because when I approach the front desk lady to let her know that we would be paying with a credit card she said: oh, then you need to walk with me to the other hotel to pay. I wanted to scream but she said that it was only five minutes away. I ran upstairs to tell Gregory. Again, calmly he said “no problem and went to the other hotel to pay. I don’t understand how he does it! 

The minivan came to pick us up at 9:00am sharp. Gregory had requested the front seats and that’s what we got because that’s where you feel the AC. This time we got a crazy driver. He drove fast and careless. I wanted to sleep but the road had so many bumps that I could not rest my head for a second without hitting the window. I had to hold on the handle every time there was a turn, plus the driver kept stopping for his breakfast, bathroom breaks and to pick up more passengers.

Despite all the stops, we made it to Luang Prabang on time. We arrived at 1:00pm. The driver wanted to drop us in a street we did not recognize. He got out and started to take out our suitcases. Gregory got out and put the suitcases back in and told him to take us to the main street. I also told him that he had to drive us to the main street where the night market is. The driver didn’t speak English so he kept saying that we had to get off but no one did. Even the other passengers who were Korean or Lao stayed in the car. He made a phone call and then he just drove around the corner and we were in the main street. It wasn’t far from where he was going to drop us but we didn’t know that.

We walked from the main street to our new hotel called “The Queen’s house”. It was so beautiful and fancy. We were all thrilled because it was definitely an upgrade from the Elephant Boutique Hotel, which we liked as well but this is one is nicer for only $10 per room. We settled, rested and then went out for sandwiches and fresh juice. While eating our baguettes, we saw Michelle and Claude, the Lebanese men we had met in Vang Vieng, tiny world! We chatted and didn’t say goodbye because we will probably see each other again! 

No pictures today!


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