Day 226 - Stay home day

Sunday, February 17, 2019.

I was looking forward to sleeping in today but guess what? The workers across our home came to work today and started to make noise at 6:30am! I was ready to kill them but instead, I told myself: it only takes one positive thought and then another… I fell asleep again and woke up at 8:00am. I did sleep in. We were supposed to go hiking today but we decided not to after our long day yesterday. We were happy to stay home today. I remembered my Sundays back in the day when I was single and I stayed home, I only read, napped and ate, sigh…

My Sunday turned out a little bit frustrating, first because we didn’t have internet and I really wanted to finish planning our itinerary for India. We couldn’t do any of that. At least I was happy to be able to read, well that didn’t happen either. We hired Honorina to come to cook for us, which is a good thing, don’t get me wrong, but I kind of had to be there with her because she didn’t know where things were. I also spent some time doing laundry, all of our clothes were filthy and muddy, including our tennis shoes.

Around 3:30pm, it started to rain really hard. There was a lot of wind and all the water started to come in through all our open windows. Gregory figured out how to shut them but afterward, we saw a leak in the dining room, water coming from the light through the roof and getting the wood table wet. We moved the table and ran to get a trash can to use as bucket since we didn’t have anything else. The storm lasted for a little while and right afterward, the sky cleared out and the smell of wet earth and crisp air was everywhere. I love it! I thought I was going to have some time to read but then I had to constantly mop the floor in the dining room.

Later in the day, Daniel, our friend from the old neighborhood showed up unexpectedly. He came to bring me a bottle of honey for my burned leg. That was very sweet of him but I just wanted to be a family day. It turned out to be a busy day with lots of people in the house. We also had some workers banging the ceiling (trying to fix the leak.)

The good thing is that I didn’t have to cook and we had a delicious dinner that night. Daniel stayed for dinner and played cards with my Daniel. Sunshine and I went to my room to read and around 9:00pm, Gregory and Daniel walked the other Daniel to take his motorcycle back home. I didn’t get the Sunday that I wanted it but it turned out ok. I think the key is not to have expectations and accept what comes happily. See the positive. Honorina cooked enough food to last for two days, and we saw cute monkeys when we walked Honorina to her bus stop. We also had a kind visitor who brought me honey and we witnessed a storm without getting wet! Best of all, we are all happy together (now that sounds like a song).

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