Day 218 - A New Home, Prepping for Safari

Wednesday. February 6th, 2019.

Today we are leaving this place which I have grown fond of. I feel safe with the Maasai guard and spoiled with Honorina. Yesterday she told me, "I like you a lot." Awwww. Anyway, we had breakfast and finished packing. Our new host came to pick us up in the new big safari truck that we are driving tomorrow. Before taking us home, we stopped at the market to buy lemons and ginger for Sunshine, who now has diarrhea. I really hope she feels better by tomorrow!

The market was very colorful and I wanted to take pictures but Helen, our host, was walking fast and I needed to keep up with her. I saw many stands with all sorts of food. Some stands were really small with little piles of potatoes, tomatoes, and onions. Other were bigger with watermelons, bananas, pineapples, cucumber and more. Many stands were selling woven baskets and small braziers for cooking.

After that, they drove us to our new place. Daniel was happy. It is a very nice and luxurious house. It feels very modern and it's really nice but right away I noticed it was dark. All the curtains were closed and really we don't have a nice yard like we did in the other house. Oh well, we are never outside because it is too hot or there are mosquitoes. I told our host that we needed nets for the mosquitoes and she said that there was no need because they fumigate every 3 months!

We settled, ate lunch, and around 3:00, Helen gave us a ride to a nice shopping mall -- Sable Square -- that seemed mostly to be for the white people that live here. We stopped at the pharmacy to buy Immodium for Sunshine -- I don't want her to be uncomfortable tomorrow. As a matter of fact, I was thinking of postponing the safari if she continued having diarrhea. Unfortunately, the pharmacy was closed so we had to go to another shopping mall. We got her medicine and then they drove us back.

It was very nice of our host to drive us around to many different places for free. [Gregory's note: they saved us over $25 in taxi fares, by my reckoning.]  When we came home, we watched TV (another reason why we liked this place) and packed for our safari tomorrow morning. We are going for 3 nights and 4 days to the following national parks: Tarangire, Serengeti, and Ngorongoro Crater. I hope I'm able to sleep tonight. Two days ago, I was very anxious about camping in tents in the wild. I wish we were rich and be able to afford a lodge so we could see the animals but sleep in an enclosed place with electricity and toilets and showers. Oh God, I get nervous just thinking about it! I know is an adventure that we have to do but I can't help it to be anxious about it!

Daniel and I made a yummy dinner. We made chicken teriyaki and rice. The biggest treat was my Diet Coke which I wasn't able to find in Ethiopia! We had dinner and Gregory kept doing a jigsaw puzzle that they left on the dining room table. Even Daniel has spent a good amount of time putting it together. I hate puzzles, I don't have patience at all. I just want time to go by quick. I'm excited but I also want to be back. Do you know what I mean? [Gregory's note: no.]

Anyway, it is 9:00pm I better be going. I will not bring my laptop on safari. We are traveling with our backpacks only and leaving our duffle bags in the apartment. When I came back, you will hear all about our nights in the wild (why am I doing this again?!).


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