Day 141 - Topkapi Palace - Harem - Grand Bazaar (again)

Wednesday 21 November 2018.

Today we got up early and took a shared taxi to Topkapi Palace. Well, the shared taxi experience was interesting. Gregory wanted to do it, because he had to see why the locals used them. Whatever -- I just wanted to get there. Last time he and I were in Istanbul, we didn't go inside the palace because we were sick and I regretted that a lot. Also, I read an awesome novel called Regards From The Dead Princess by Kenize Mourad. I highly recommended to read it before you come here and then you will understand why I was so excited to come to the palace. [Gregory's note: total chick lit -- I slogged through all the elaborate descriptions of what the entire court was wearing while the author skipped over little things like WWI.]

Anyway, we hopped in a minibus with other six passengers and the driver dropped us on a corner in the Topkapi area but nowhere near the palace. When Gregory checked his Google map, it said it would take half an hour to walk!!! I was so upset at the taxi driver but that's what we get for trusting them. Luckily we were near the tram so we took it and we made in no time.

We walked through the gardens to get to the ticket stand. We bought the tickets and we also paid for the audio tour because the palace is enormous and we wanted some guidance. Tip: don't get the audio guide! It doesn't tell you much information at all. You are better off reading the signs which are detailed. 

Gregory and the kids waited for me while I went to see the Harem, which cost an extra 30 TL extra to enter but again, I needed to see it because that's where the novel happens, or at least a big part of it! It was extraordinary and I loved every single room and imagined the life of concubines and the queen mother inside perfectly. Unfortunately, they were remodeling many of the areas and they were closed. 

When I came out, we were all ready to go but Gregory discovered the weapons room which was amazing, a museum itself. We spent a little more time and then we were ready to eat. I was disappointed that I didn't get to see the kitchens but it's something to come back to!

We grabbed something to eat near the Grand Bazaar because we needed to go back to get my ring repaired. Gregory got me a ring here 2 days ago and a stone fell out. I honestly could live with it and avoid the crowds at the bazaar, but Gregorio said absolutely not, so we went back. Daniel was almost in tears. In the bazaar, we bought him ice cream and he was happy. We didn't stay long and it wasn't that crowded so it was OK. 

Afterward, we took the metro home and without warning, Gregory and Sunshine got out of the metro at another stop saying that they were going to get Sunshine's backpack. Daniel and I stayed, luckily I remembered to grab the house keys! This guy is going to give me a heart attack with his last minute change of plans. [Gregory's note: as Elastigirl says, you need to be more flexible!]

OK, he said he wanted to do that but didn't warn me at the time I guess I forgot. Anyway, luckily Danny and I knew our way home. We made our usual stop at a small market for food supplies then made it home, exhausted. Gregory and Sunshine came almost an hour later. Gregory left the house half an hour later for his Freemason Meeting. I honestly don't know where he gets all that energy. The kids and I were very happy to stay home and watch a movie!

No, it's not Disneyland!

Entrance to the palace

The Sultan's library

I thought the guy was real!

My favorite room (still in the library)

I'm loving taking pictures of people 

Me listening to the explanation of this room

Tile from the golden age of Ottoman design
Filling a niche

The outside of the Harem

Back to the Bazaar

Wax figures in the entrance of a restaurant in the Bazaar

Waiting for the metro

Going home. Unfortunately, the neighborhood where we are staying is strewn with trash as you can see in the picture.

Kids playing outside on our street

Our apartment is nice, despite the dirt outside


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